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Track Changes

Track changes can be set on text elements. There are 2 ways to set the change information on an element. Either by calling the setChangeInfo(), or by setting the TrackChange instance on the element with setTrackChange().


$phpWord = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord();

// New portrait section
$section = $phpWord->addSection();
$textRun = $section->addTextRun();

$text = $textRun->addText('Hello World! Time to ');

$text = $textRun->addText('wake ', array('bold' => true));
$text->setChangeInfo(TrackChange::INSERTED, 'Fred', time() - 1800);

$text = $textRun->addText('up');
$text->setTrackChange(new TrackChange(TrackChange::INSERTED, 'Fred'));

$text = $textRun->addText('go to sleep');
$text->setChangeInfo(TrackChange::DELETED, 'Barney', new \DateTime('@' . (time() - 3600)));