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If you want to structure your document or build table of contents, you need titles or headings. To add a title to the document, use the addTitleStyle and addTitle method. If depth is 0, a Title will be inserted, otherwise a Heading1, Heading2, ...


$phpWord->addTitleStyle($depth, [$fontStyle], [$paragraphStyle]);
$section->addTitle($text, $depth, $pageNumber);

addTitleStyle : - $depth - $fontStyle: See Styles > Font. - $paragraphStyle: See Styles > Paragraph.

addTitle : - $text. Text to be displayed in the document. This can be string or a \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Element\TextRun - $depth - $pageNumber : Number of the page

It's necessary to add a title style to your document because otherwise the title won't be detected as a real title.