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0.9.0 (26 Mar 2014)

This release marked the transformation to namespaces (PHP 5.3+).


  • Image: Ability to use remote or GD images using addImage() on sections, headers, footer, cells, and textruns - @ivanlanin
  • Header: Ability to use remote or GD images using addWatermark() - @ivanlanin


  • Preserve text doesn't render correctly when the text is not the first word, e.g. 'Page {PAGE}' - @ivanlanin


  • Move documentation to Read The Docs - by @Progi1984 & @ivanlanin in #82
  • Reorganize and redesign samples folder - @ivanlanin #137
  • Use PhpOffice\PhpWord namespace for PSR compliance - @RomanSyroeshko @gabrielbull #159, #58
  • Restructure folders and change folder name Classes to src and Tests to test for PSR compliance - @RomanSyroeshko @gabrielbull
  • Compliance to phpDocumentor - @ivanlanin
  • Merge Style\TableFull into Style\Table. Style\TableFull is deprecated - @ivanlanin #160
  • Merge Section\MemoryImage into Section\Image. Section\Image is deprecated - @ivanlanin #160