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Rich text shapes contain paragraphs of texts. To create a rich text shape, use createRichTextShape method of slide.

Each rich text can contain multiples paragraphs. Each paragraph can contain: - a TextElement - a BreakElement - a Run

Below are the properties that you can set for a rich text shape.

  • wrap
  • autoFit
  • fontScale : font scale (in percentage) when autoFit = RichText::AUTOFIT_NORMAL
  • lnSpcReduction : line spacing reduction (in percentage) when autoFit = RichText::AUTOFIT_NORMAL
  • horizontalOverflow
  • verticalOverflow
  • upright
  • vertical
  • columns
  • bottomInset in pixels
  • leftInset in pixels
  • rightInset in pixels
  • topInset in pixels
  • autoShrinkHorizontal (boolean)
  • autoShrinkVertical (boolean)
  • columnSpacing see Column Spacing

Properties that can be set for each paragraphs are as follow.

  • alignment
  • bulletStyle see Bullet
  • lineSpacing see Line Spacing
  • font

Column Spacing

For a paragraph, you can define the column spacing.



use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\RichText;

$richText = new RichText();
$columnSpacing = $richText->getColumnSpacing();

For a rich text, you can define the hyperlink.



use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\RichText;

$richText = new RichText();

Use of Text Color


Available only on the PowerPoint2007 Reader/Writer

Hyperlinks can be set to use the text color instead of the default theme color.



use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\RichText;

$richText = new RichText();



For a paragraph, you can define the bullet style.



use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\RichText\Paragraph;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Bullet;

$paragraph = new Paragraph();

With the bullet style, you can define the char, the font, the color and the type.


use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\RichText\Paragraph;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Bullet;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Color;

$paragraph = new Paragraph();
$paragraph->getBulletStyle()->setBulletColor(new Color(Color::COLOR_RED));

Line Spacing

For a paragraph, you can define the line spacing. By default, mode is in percent (Paragraph::LINE_SPACING_MODE_PERCENT), but you can use the point mode (Paragraph::LINE_SPACING_MODE_POINT).



use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\RichText\Paragraph;

$paragraph = new Paragraph();
$lineSpacing = $paragraph->getLineSpacing();

$lineSpacingMode = $paragraph->getLineSpacingMode();


For a paragraph, you can define the spacing before and after the paragraph in point Example:


use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\RichText\Paragraph;

$paragraph = new Paragraph();
$spacingAfter = $paragraph->getSpacingAfter();

$spacingBefore = $paragraph->getSpacingBefore();


For a run, you can define the language.



use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\RichText\Run;

$run = new Run();