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To create a chart, use createChartShape method of Slide.


$chartShape = $slide->createChartShape();


Manage how blank values are displayed

You can define how blank values are displayed with the method setDisplayBlankAs.

Slideshow type

Differents types are available:

  • Chart::BLANKAS_GAP for Leave a gap
  • Chart::BLANKAS_ZERO for Assume zero (default)
  • Chart::BLANKAS_SPAN for Continue line

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart;

// Set the behavior
// Get the behavior
echo $chart->getDisplayBlankAs();




You can define title for each axis (X & Y) with setTitle method. You can apply a rotation with the setTitleRotation method with an expected paremeter in degrees.


use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Gridlines;

$line = new Line();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

$shape->getPlotArea()->getAxisX()->setTitle('Axis X');


You can define gridlines (minor and major) for each axis (X & Y). For each gridline, you can custom the width (in points), the fill type and the fill color.


use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Gridlines;

$line = new Line();

$gridlines = new Gridlines();
$gridlines->getOutline()->getFill()->setFillType(Fill::FILL_SOLID)->setStartColor(new Color(Color::COLOR_BLUE));

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

Bounds (Min & Max)

For Axis, you can define the min & max bounds with setMinBounds & setMaxBounds methods. For resetting them, you pass null as parameter to these methods.


use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Gridlines;

$line = new Line();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();



Available only on the PowerPoint2007 Writer

For Axis, setCrossesAt can be used to define where it should be crossed by the perpendicular/ horizontal axis. The property can be defined by one of the three given constants or as an absolute value on the target axis.

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Axis;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Type\Bar;

$bar = new Bar();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

// Usage of constant: Horizontal axis will cross the Y-Axis at `0`

// Usage of individual value: Horizontal axis will cross the Y-Axis at `3`
Constant Description
AXIS::CROSSES_AUTO Axis crosses at zero.
AXIS::CROSSES_MIN Axis crosses at minimum.
AXIS::CROSSES_MAX Axis crosses at maximum.

Reversed Order

You can reverse the order of a categorial or value axis trought setIsReversedOrder.

Notice: If you reverse the order of a axis, this automatically changes the position of the other axis. To reset this effect, the axis intersection point on the other axis must be set to Axis::CROSSES_MAX using setCrossesAt.

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Axis;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Type\Bar;

$bar = new Bar();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

// default value, will return false

// reverse order

// revert the automatic intersection switch on x axis


You can define outline for each axis (X & Y).


$line = new Line();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();
$shape->getPlotArea()->getAxisX()->getOutline()->getFill()->setFillType(Fill::FILL_SOLID)->setStartColor(new Color(Color::COLOR_BLUE));

Tick Label


You can define the tick label position with the setTickLabelPosition method. For resetting it, you pass Axis::TICK_LABEL_POSITION_NEXT_TO as parameter to this method.

Differents types are available:

  • Axis::TICK_LABEL_POSITION_HIGH: Labels are at the high end of the perpendicular axis
  • Axis::TICK_LABEL_POSITION_LOW: Labels are at the low end of the perpendicular axis
  • Axis::TICK_LABEL_POSITION_NEXT_TO: Labels are next to the axis (default)

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Axis;

$line = new Line();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

You can define the tick label font with the setTickLabelFont method. For resetting it, you pass null as parameter to this method.


use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Axis;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Color;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Font;

$line = new Line();
$font = new Font();
$font->setColor(new Color('C00000'))

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();

Tick Marks

For Axis Y, you can define tick mark with setMinorTickMark & setMajorTickMark methods. For resetting them, you pass Axis::TICK_MARK_NONE as parameter to these methods.


use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Axis;

$line = new Line();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();


For Axis Y, you can define unit with setMinorUnit & setMajorUnit methods. For resetting them, you pass null as parameter to these methods.


use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Axis;

$line = new Line();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();


You can define visibility for each axis (X & Y).


$line = new Line();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();


By default, the title of a chart is displayed. For hiding it, you define its visibility to false.


$line = new Line();
$shape = $slide->createChartShape();
// Hide the title


Display Informations

You can define if some informations are displayed.


$series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);


You can custom the font of a serie.


$series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);
// Define the size

Label Position

You can define the position of the data label. Each position is described in MSDN.


$series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);


You can custom the marker of a serie, for Line & Scatter charts.

Customize the border


Available only on the PowerPoint2007 Writer


use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Marker;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Border;

$series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);
$marker = $series->getMarker();
Customize the fill


Available only on the PowerPoint2007 Writer


use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Marker;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Fill;

$series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);
$marker = $series->getMarker();
Customize the symbol

use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Marker;

$series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);
$marker = $series->getMarker();


You can custom the line of a serie, for Line & Scatter charts.


use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Outline;

$outline = new Outline();
// Define the color
$outline->getFill()->setStartColor(new Color(Color::COLOR_YELLOW));
// Define the width (in points)

$series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);


For enabling the autoscale for a shape, you must reset the height percent.






Bar & Bar3D

Gap Width

You can define the gap width between bar or columns clusters. It is relatively defined as percentage of a bars width. The default value is 150%. The value must be defined between 0 and 500.


$barChart = new Bar();


You can define the bar overlap within bar or column clusters. It is relatively defined as percentage of a bars width. The default value is 100% for stacked and 0% for grouped bar charts. The value must be defined between -100 and 100.

When setting the bar grouping type, the default overlap values will be set. Any change to the overlap must be made after setting the bar grouping type through setBarGrouping.

$barChart = new Bar();
// will set the overlap to the default value for grouped bars: 0

// a positive value will result in an overlapping

// a negative value will result in a gap

Bar Overlap


You can stack multiples series in a same chart. After adding multiples series, you can define the bar grouping with setBarGrouping method of AbstractTypeBar.


$barChart = new Bar();
// OR
// OR
Type Constant


Smooth line

You can enable or disable the smooth line with setIsSmooth method from AbstractTypeLine. By default, smooth line is disabled.


$chart = new Line();
// Enable the smooth line
// Disable the smooth line
// Get status of smooth line

Pie & Pie3D



You can create a Radar Chart.


use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Type\Radar;

$radarChart = new Radar();

$shape = $slide->createChartShape();


Smooth line

You can enable or disable the smooth line with setIsSmooth method from AbstractTypeLine. By default, smooth line is disabled.


$chart = new Scatter();
// Enable the smooth line
// Disable the smooth line
// Get status of smooth line