Table of Contents
- Operand
- AddressRange
- IValueBinder
- IRenderer
- IComparable
- IReader
- IReadFilter
- ITextElement
- WizardInterface
- Wizard
- IWriter
- BinaryComparison
- Calculation
- Category
- DatabaseAbstract
- DAverage
- DCount
- DCountA
- DGet
- DMax
- DMin
- DProduct
- DStDev
- DStDevP
- DSum
- DVar
- DVarP
- Constants
- Current
- Date
- DateParts
- DateValue
- Days
- Days360
- Difference
- Helpers
- Month
- NetworkDays
- Time
- TimeParts
- TimeValue
- Week
- WorkDay
- YearFrac
- ArrayArgumentHelper
- ArrayArgumentProcessor
- BranchPruner
- CyclicReferenceStack
- FormattedNumber
- Logger
- StructuredReference
- BesselI
- BesselJ
- BesselK
- BesselY
- BitWise
- Compare
- Complex
- ComplexFunctions
- ComplexOperations
- Constants
- ConvertBase
- ConvertBinary
- ConvertDecimal
- ConvertHex
- ConvertOctal
- ConvertUOM
- EngineeringValidations
- Erf
- ErfC
- Exception
- ExceptionHandler
- Amortization
- CashFlowValidations
- Cumulative
- Interest
- InterestAndPrincipal
- Payments
- Periodic
- Single
- NonPeriodic
- Periodic
- Constants
- Coupons
- Depreciation
- Dollar
- FinancialValidations
- Helpers
- InterestRate
- AccruedInterest
- Price
- Rates
- SecurityValidations
- Yields
- TreasuryBill
- FormulaParser
Copyright (c) 2007 E. W. Bachtal, Inc.
- FormulaToken
Copyright (c) 2007 E. W. Bachtal, Inc.
- Functions
- ErrorValue
- ExcelError
- Value
- ExcelArrayPseudoFunctions
- MakeMatrix
- WildcardMatch
- Boolean
- Conditional
- Operations
- Address
- ChooseRowsEtc
- ExcelMatch
- Filter
- Formula
- Helpers
- HLookup
- Hyperlink
- Indirect
- Lookup
- LookupBase
- LookupRefValidations
- Matrix
- Offset
- RowColumnInformation
- Selection
- Sort
- Unique
- VLookup
- Absolute
- Angle
- Arabic
- Base
- Ceiling
- Combinations
- Exp
- Factorial
- Floor
- Gcd
- Helpers
- IntClass
- Lcm
- Logarithms
- MatrixFunctions
- Operations
- Random
- Roman
- Round
- SeriesSum
- Sign
- Sqrt
- Subtotal
- Sum
- SumSquares
- Cosecant
- Cosine
- Cotangent
- Secant
- Sine
- Tangent
- Trunc
- AggregateBase
- Mean
- Averages
- Conditional
- Confidence
- Counts
- Deviations
- Beta
- Binomial
- ChiSquared
- DistributionValidations
- Exponential
- F
- Fisher
- Gamma
- GammaBase
- HyperGeometric
- LogNormal
- NewtonRaphson
- Normal
- Poisson
- StandardNormal
- StudentT
- Weibull
- Maximum
- MaxMinBase
- Minimum
- Percentiles
- Permutations
- Size
- StandardDeviations
- Standardize
- StatisticalValidations
- Trends
- VarianceBase
- Variances
- CaseConvert
- CharacterConvert
- Concatenate
- Extract
- Format
- Helpers
- Replace
- Search
- Text
- Trim
- Stack
- Service
- AddressHelper
- AdvancedValueBinder
- Cell
- CellAddress
- CellRange
- ColumnRange
- Coordinate
- Helper class to manipulate cell coordinates.
- DataType
- DataValidation
- DataValidator
- Validate a cell value according to its validation rules.
- DefaultValueBinder
- Hyperlink
- IgnoredErrors
- RowRange
- StringValueBinder
- CellReferenceHelper
- Axis
- Created by PhpStorm.
- AxisText
- Created by PhpStorm.
- Chart
- ChartColor
- DataSeries
- DataSeriesValues
- Created by PhpStorm.
- Exception
- GridLines
- Created by PhpStorm.
- Layout
- Legend
- PlotArea
- Properties
- Created by PhpStorm.
- JpGraph
- Jpgraph is not oficially maintained in Composer, so the version there
could be out of date. For that reason, all unit test requiring Jpgraph
are skipped. So, do not measure code coverage for this class till that
is fixed.
- JpGraphRendererBase
- Base class for different Jpgraph implementations as charts renderer.
- MtJpGraphRenderer
- Jpgraph is not officially maintained by Composer at
- Title
- TrendLine
- Created by PhpStorm.
- Cells
- CellsFactory
- SimpleCache1
- This is the default implementation for in-memory cell collection.
- SimpleCache3
- This is the default implementation for in-memory cell collection.
- Comment
- DefinedName
- Properties
- Security
- Exception
- HashTable
- Dimension
- Downloader
- Assist downloading files when samples are run in browser.
- Handler
- Html
- Sample
- Helper class to be used in sample code.
- Size
- TextGrid
- IOFactory
- Factory to create readers and writers easily.
- NamedFormula
- NamedRange
- BaseReader
- Delimiter
- Csv
- DefaultReadFilter
- Exception
- PageSetup
- Properties
- Styles
- Gnumeric
- Html
- AutoFilter
- BaseLoader
- DefinedNames
- FormulaTranslator
- PageSettings
- Properties
- Ods
- XmlScanner
- Slk
- Biff5
- Biff8
- BuiltIn
- Color
- ConditionalFormatting
- DataValidationHelper
- ErrorCode
- Escher
- ListFunctions
- LoadSpreadsheet
- Mappings
- MD5
- RC4
- Border
- CellAlignment
- CellFont
- FillPattern
- Xls
- XlsBase
- AutoFilter
- BaseParserClass
- Chart
- ColumnAndRowAttributes
- ConditionalStyles
- DataValidations
- Hyperlinks
- Namespaces
- PageSetup
- Properties
- SharedFormula
- SheetViewOptions
- SheetViews
- Styles
- TableReader
- Theme
- WorkbookView
- Xlsx
- DataValidations
- PageSettings
- Properties
- Alignment
- Border
- Fill
- Font
- NumberFormat
- StyleBase
- Style
- Xml
- Reader for SpreadsheetML, the XML schema for Microsoft Office Excel 2003.
- ReferenceHelper
- RichText
- Run
- TextElement
- Settings
- CodePage
- Date
- Drawing
- SpContainer
- SpgrContainer
- DgContainer
- Blip
- BstoreContainer
- DggContainer
- Escher
- File
- Font
- IntOrFloat
- ChainedBlockStream
- File
- Class for creating File PPS's for OLE containers.
- Root
- Class for creating Root PPS's for OLE containers.
- Class for creating PPS's for OLE containers.
- OLE package base class.
- OLERead
- PasswordHasher
- StringHelper
- TimeZone
- BestFit
- ExponentialBestFit
- LinearBestFit
- LogarithmicBestFit
- PolynomialBestFit
- PowerBestFit
- Trend
- Xls
- XMLWriter
- Spreadsheet
- Alignment
- Border
- Borders
- Color
- Conditional
- CellMatcher
- CellStyleAssessor
- ConditionalColorScale
- ConditionalDataBar
- ConditionalDataBarExtension
- ConditionalFormattingRuleExtension
- ConditionalFormatValueObject
- StyleMerger
- Blanks
- CellValue
- DateValue
- Duplicates
- Errors
- Expression
- TextValue
- WizardAbstract
- Wizard
- Fill
- Font
- BaseFormatter
- DateFormatter
- Formatter
- FractionFormatter
- NumberFormatter
- PercentageFormatter
- Accounting
- Currency
- CurrencyBase
- Date
- DateTime
- DateTimeWizard
- Duration
- Locale
- Number
- NumberBase
- Percentage
- Scientific
- Time
- NumberFormat
- Protection
- RgbTint
- Class to handle tint applied to color.
- Style
- Supervisor
- Theme
- Rule
- Column
- AutoFilter
- AutoFit
- BaseDrawing
- CellIterator
- Column
- ColumnCellIterator
- ColumnDimension
- ColumnIterator
- Dimension
- Shadow
- Drawing
- HeaderFooter
- <code>
Header/Footer Formatting Syntax taken from Office Open XML Part 4 - Markup Language Reference, page 1970:.
- HeaderFooterDrawing
- Iterator
- MemoryDrawing
- PageBreak
- PageMargins
- PageSetup
- <code>
Paper size taken from Office Open XML Part 4 - Markup Language Reference, page 1988:.
- Pane
- ProtectedRange
- Protection
- Row
- RowCellIterator
- RowDimension
- RowIterator
- SheetView
- Column
- TableStyle
- Table
- Validations
- Worksheet
- BaseWriter
- Csv
- Exception
- Html
- AutoFilters
- Comment
- Style
- Content
- Formula
- Meta
- MetaInf
- Mimetype
- NamedExpressions
- Settings
- Styles
- Thumbnails
- WriterPart
- Ods
- Dompdf
- Mpdf
- Tcpdf
- Pdf
- BIFFwriter
- CellDataValidation
- ConditionalHelper
- ErrorCode
- Escher
- Font
- Parser
- CellAlignment
- CellBorder
- CellFill
- Workbook
- Worksheet
- Xf
- Xls
- AutoFilter
- Chart
- Comments
- ContentTypes
- DefinedNames
- DocProps
- Drawing
- FunctionPrefix
- Metadata
- Rels
- RelsRibbon
- RelsVBA
- StringTable
- Style
- Table
- Theme
- Workbook
- Worksheet
- WriterPart
- Xlsx
- ZipStream0
- ZipStream2
- Either ZipStream2 or ZipStream3, but not both, may be used.
- ZipStream3
- ArrayEnabled
- CurrencyNegative