
Xls extends BaseWriter
in package

Table of Contents


$fileHandle  : resource
$includeCharts  : bool
Write charts that are defined in the workbook? Identifies whether the Writer should write definitions for any charts that exist in the PhpSpreadsheet object.
$preCalculateFormulas  : bool
Pre-calculate formulas Forces PhpSpreadsheet to recalculate all formulae in a workbook when saving, so that the pre-calculated values are immediately available to MS Excel or other office spreadsheet viewer when opening the file.
$colors  : array<string|int, mixed>
Color cache. Mapping between RGB value and color index.
$diskCachingDirectory  : string
Disk caching directory.
$documentSummaryInformation  : string
Extended OLE object document summary information.
$IDCLs  : array<string|int, mixed>
Identifier clusters for drawings. Used in MSODRAWINGGROUP record.
$parser  : Parser
Formula parser.
$shouldCloseFile  : bool
$spreadsheet  : Spreadsheet
PhpSpreadsheet object.
$strTable  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of unique shared strings in workbook.
$strTotal  : int
Total number of shared strings in workbook.
$strUnique  : int
Number of unique shared strings in workbook.
$summaryInformation  : string
Basic OLE object summary information.
$two  : int
$useDiskCaching  : bool
Use disk caching where possible?
$writerWorkbook  : Workbook
$writerWorksheets  : array<string|int, Worksheet>


__construct()  : mixed
Create a new Xls Writer.
getDiskCachingDirectory()  : string
Get disk caching directory.
getIncludeCharts()  : bool
Write charts in workbook? If this is true, then the Writer will write definitions for any charts that exist in the PhpSpreadsheet object.
getPreCalculateFormulas()  : bool
Get Pre-Calculate Formulas flag If this is true (the default), then the writer will recalculate all formulae in a workbook when saving, so that the pre-calculated values are immediately available to MS Excel or other office spreadsheet viewer when opening the file If false, then formulae are not calculated on save. This is faster for saving in PhpSpreadsheet, but slower when opening the resulting file in MS Excel, because Excel has to recalculate the formulae itself.
getUseDiskCaching()  : bool
Get use disk caching where possible?
openFileHandle()  : void
Open file handle.
save()  : void
Save Spreadsheet to file.
setIncludeCharts()  : $this
Set write charts in workbook Set to true, to advise the Writer to include any charts that exist in the PhpSpreadsheet object.
setPreCalculateFormulas()  : $this
Set Pre-Calculate Formulas Set to true (the default) to advise the Writer to calculate all formulae on save Set to false to prevent precalculation of formulae on save.
setUseDiskCaching()  : $this
Set use disk caching where possible?
maybeCloseFileHandle()  : void
Close file handle only if we opened it ourselves.
processFlags()  : void
buildWorkbookEscher()  : void
Build the Escher object corresponding to the MSODRAWINGGROUP record.
buildWorksheetEschers()  : void
Build the Worksheet Escher objects.
checkForDrawings()  : bool
processBaseDrawing()  : void
processDrawing()  : void
processMemoryDrawing()  : void
writeDocumentSummaryInformation()  : string
Build the OLE Part for DocumentSummary Information.
writeSummaryInformation()  : string
Build the OLE Part for Summary Information.
writeSummaryProp()  : void
writeSummaryPropOle()  : void



Write charts that are defined in the workbook? Identifies whether the Writer should write definitions for any charts that exist in the PhpSpreadsheet object.

protected bool $includeCharts = false


Pre-calculate formulas Forces PhpSpreadsheet to recalculate all formulae in a workbook when saving, so that the pre-calculated values are immediately available to MS Excel or other office spreadsheet viewer when opening the file.

protected bool $preCalculateFormulas = true


Color cache. Mapping between RGB value and color index.

private array<string|int, mixed> $colors


Disk caching directory.

private string $diskCachingDirectory = './'


Extended OLE object document summary information.

private string $documentSummaryInformation


Identifier clusters for drawings. Used in MSODRAWINGGROUP record.

private array<string|int, mixed> $IDCLs


Array of unique shared strings in workbook.

private array<string|int, mixed> $strTable = []


Total number of shared strings in workbook.

private int $strTotal = 0


Number of unique shared strings in workbook.

private int $strUnique = 0


Basic OLE object summary information.

private string $summaryInformation


private static int $two = 2


Use disk caching where possible?

private bool $useDiskCaching = false


private array<string|int, Worksheet> $writerWorksheets



Create a new Xls Writer.

public __construct(Spreadsheet $spreadsheet) : mixed
$spreadsheet : Spreadsheet

PhpSpreadsheet object


Get disk caching directory.

public getDiskCachingDirectory() : string
Return values


Write charts in workbook? If this is true, then the Writer will write definitions for any charts that exist in the PhpSpreadsheet object.

public getIncludeCharts() : bool

If false (the default) it will ignore any charts defined in the PhpSpreadsheet object.

Return values


Get Pre-Calculate Formulas flag If this is true (the default), then the writer will recalculate all formulae in a workbook when saving, so that the pre-calculated values are immediately available to MS Excel or other office spreadsheet viewer when opening the file If false, then formulae are not calculated on save. This is faster for saving in PhpSpreadsheet, but slower when opening the resulting file in MS Excel, because Excel has to recalculate the formulae itself.

public getPreCalculateFormulas() : bool
Return values


Get use disk caching where possible?

public getUseDiskCaching() : bool
Return values


Open file handle.

public openFileHandle(resource|string $filename) : void
$filename : resource|string


Save Spreadsheet to file.

public save(resource|string $filename[, int $flags = 0 ]) : void
$filename : resource|string
$flags : int = 0

Flags that can change the behaviour of the Writer: self::SAVE_WITH_CHARTS Save any charts that are defined (if the Writer supports Charts) self::DISABLE_PRECALCULATE_FORMULAE Don't Precalculate formulae before saving the file


Set write charts in workbook Set to true, to advise the Writer to include any charts that exist in the PhpSpreadsheet object.

public setIncludeCharts(bool $includeCharts) : $this

Set to false (the default) to ignore charts.

$includeCharts : bool
Return values


Set Pre-Calculate Formulas Set to true (the default) to advise the Writer to calculate all formulae on save Set to false to prevent precalculation of formulae on save.

public setPreCalculateFormulas(bool $precalculateFormulas) : $this
$precalculateFormulas : bool

Pre-Calculate Formulas?

Return values


Set use disk caching where possible?

public setUseDiskCaching(bool $useDiskCache[, string|null $cacheDirectory = null ]) : $this
$useDiskCache : bool
$cacheDirectory : string|null = null

Disk caching directory

Return values


Close file handle only if we opened it ourselves.

protected maybeCloseFileHandle() : void


protected processFlags(int $flags) : void
$flags : int


Build the Escher object corresponding to the MSODRAWINGGROUP record.

private buildWorkbookEscher() : void


Build the Worksheet Escher objects.

private buildWorksheetEschers() : void


private checkForDrawings() : bool
Return values


Build the OLE Part for DocumentSummary Information.

private writeDocumentSummaryInformation() : string
Return values


Build the OLE Part for Summary Information.

private writeSummaryInformation() : string
Return values


private writeSummaryProp(string $dataProp, int &$dataSection_NumProps, array<string|int, mixed> &$dataSection, int $sumdata, int $typdata) : void
$dataProp : string
$dataSection_NumProps : int
$dataSection : array<string|int, mixed>
$sumdata : int
$typdata : int


private writeSummaryPropOle(float|int $dataProp, int &$dataSection_NumProps, array<string|int, mixed> &$dataSection, int $sumdata, int $typdata) : void
$dataProp : float|int
$dataSection_NumProps : int
$dataSection : array<string|int, mixed>
$sumdata : int
$typdata : int

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