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AMORDEGRC()  : float|string
AMORLINC()  : float|string
getAmortizationCoefficient()  : float




public static AMORDEGRC(mixed $cost, mixed $purchased, mixed $firstPeriod, mixed $salvage, mixed $period, mixed $rate[, mixed $basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD ]) : float|string

Returns the depreciation for each accounting period. This function is provided for the French accounting system. If an asset is purchased in the middle of the accounting period, the prorated depreciation is taken into account. The function is similar to AMORLINC, except that a depreciation coefficient is applied in the calculation depending on the life of the assets. This function will return the depreciation until the last period of the life of the assets or until the cumulated value of depreciation is greater than the cost of the assets minus the salvage value.

Excel Function: AMORDEGRC(cost,purchased,firstPeriod,salvage,period,rate[,basis])

$cost : mixed

The float cost of the asset

$purchased : mixed

Date of the purchase of the asset

$firstPeriod : mixed

Date of the end of the first period

$salvage : mixed

The salvage value at the end of the life of the asset

$period : mixed

the period (float)

$rate : mixed

rate of depreciation (float)

$basis : mixed = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD

The type of day count to use (int). 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360

Return values

(string containing the error type if there is an error)



public static AMORLINC(mixed $cost, mixed $purchased, mixed $firstPeriod, mixed $salvage, mixed $period, mixed $rate[, mixed $basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD ]) : float|string

Returns the depreciation for each accounting period. This function is provided for the French accounting system. If an asset is purchased in the middle of the accounting period, the prorated depreciation is taken into account.

Excel Function: AMORLINC(cost,purchased,firstPeriod,salvage,period,rate[,basis])

$cost : mixed

The cost of the asset as a float

$purchased : mixed

Date of the purchase of the asset

$firstPeriod : mixed

Date of the end of the first period

$salvage : mixed

The salvage value at the end of the life of the asset

$period : mixed

The period as a float

$rate : mixed

Rate of depreciation as float

$basis : mixed = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD

Integer indicating the type of day count to use. 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360

Return values

(string containing the error type if there is an error)


private static getAmortizationCoefficient(float $rate) : float
$rate : float
Return values

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